
red-black panda red-orange panda

A variety of globe eye is the panda, which is a bicolour, black-and-red/yellow/white fish; it became popular in the mid 1990s. The strongly-coloured, red-black fish on the left was presented at BAS 2001; the picture of the orange-black fish on the right is taken from our video (see About Us).

black and white pandas black and white pandas

Black-and-white pandas (photographed in Hong Kong, 2003). Tri-colour forms also exist (for example, black-white-brown and black-white orange).

Pompon globe eyes

red-white pompon globe eye red pompon globe eye chocolate pompon globe eye with red pompons

Pompon globe eyes: red-white pompons (left), red pompons on a red-white fish (centre) and red pompons on a chocolate fish (right), which is very rare. The Chinese name for these is velvetyball dragon eyes, and they are rare. (Hong Kong 2003).

chocolate oranda pompon globe eye chocolate oranda pompon globe eye

Chocolate oranda pompon globe eyes (pompon globe eyes with the beginnings of an oranda hood), very rare. (Hong Kong 2003).

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