Photographed in Hong Kong, 2003 and 2010

Chinese red orandas 2003

red orandas 2003 red orandas 2003

Typical, high-quality Chinese orandas with very good colouration and hood growth and less well developed finnage than in Western orandas.

Red orandas 2010

red oranda 2010 red oranda 2010
red orandas 2010
red orandas 2010

Superb Chinese red orandas with strong red colouration, good hood growth and deep body contours, with typical Far Eastern finnage (shorter, rounded fins with a forked tail). These are large fish, about 6 inches long (excluding the tails).

red oranda 2010 red oranda 2010

Red orandas with short, rounded finnage and unusually deep bodies for oriental fish.

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